January 6, 2022

What To Do if My Order For Protection Was Violated?


Usually, if a person goes through a traumatic or abusive relationship, they have the right to seek legal help from the court. After approaching legal aid, the court will send orders to the abuser restricting them from performing specific actions towards the victim, including meeting the victim in private and causing trouble, sending death threats, and harassing them in any way.


Even if the victim is emotionally abused, the abuser can be held accountable for causing trauma and emotional distress. Usually, an attorney’s help is required since the legal procedures are pretty complicated and call for an experienced professional.


A protection from abuse attorney in PA who specializes in abuse-related cases can offer legal help in securing you from the abuse and let the abuser pay for his actions legally.


Here is what you need to do if the order for protection was violated:


Although you might panic if the abuser shows up unexpectedly, you should immediately contact the police officer. In a violation of an order for protection, the police do not require an arrest warrant to catch the abuser.

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Hence, the police will charge the abuser with civil contempt. Even if the police who arrived at the spot are unaware of the violation, tell him that you are under Order for Protection. Later, you should make a formal civil contempt case by visiting the clerk’s office, where you have to inform the clerk about what happened and how the abuser violated the court order.


After the court finds out about the civil contempt, the abuser will be sent to prison for a specific number of years or be charged with a fine. The court will decide the acceptable amount.


In some cases, the police might fail to take appropriate actions on the abuser who has violated the order placed by the court, so you can contact a domestic violence attorney who can deal with the abuser for you. The attorney will ensure to send police officers for further protection.


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Therefore, even if you are doubtful that the abuser who you have accused of abusing you might still try to behave abusively, then you can tell the court about it when the court gives the chance of relief request where you can make requests as per your need, and the court will ensure to do it. Still, you have to be in touch with your attorney at all times to be safe and feel secure.



order, protection, violated

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