August 13, 2021

Web Design Tips for Your E-Commerce Website


We do just about everything virtual these days, which also includes shopping. As a result, there has never been a better time to be involved in ecommerce.

If you’re selling anything these days, whether it’s footwear, salad dressing, or something in between, you’ll need an ecommerce website. You can expand your brand, interact with more people, and sell more things with an ecommerce site, but only if you have the correct website design.

When it comes to developing an ecommerce website, web design is crucial. To persuade consumers to make a purchase, a good ecommerce web design relies on the use of the right colors, fonts, images, text, and graphics. The design of the ecommerce website should be appealing to potential customers, create a positive user experience, and showcase your store in the best light possible.

So, not only does your website need to look attractive and feel consistent with your brand, but it also needs to motivate visitors to take action and, well, buy your items. But how do you go about doing that? How can you create an ecommerce site that will have things flying off your virtual shelves in no time?

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Here are the best ecommerce website design recommendations by best ghostwriting services to help you take your business to the next level:

Keep it Simple:

One of the essential guidelines to remember during the ecommerce design process is to “KISS”—keep it simple, stupid! Simple is usually preferable when it comes to ecommerce website design. The more things you have on the page (colors! banner ads! ALL THE POP-UPS! ), the more it detracts from the website’s primary goal—closing a transaction.

On your ecommerce website, you don’t need a lot of bells and whistles because they only serve as a distraction. Maintain a clear, clean, and basic design that focuses on selling.

Make Branding Priority:

When we consider online shopping, customers prefer to purchase from well-known companies rather than anonymous ecommerce websites, which appear to be a front for stealing credit card information.

Put some real thinking into your branding as if you want to develop trust, you are required to drive serious sales with your ecommerce business. Your ecommerce business’s branding is like its DNA; it’s who you are as a company, what you’re about, and how you’re different from your competitors—and it’s crucial for connecting with your audience and driving sales.

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Take the time to identify your brand and then include it into your ecommerce design if you need to get the most out of it. It’s okay if you don’t know who you are as a brand. You’ll need to conduct some soul-searching for your business before you start developing.

Ask some of these questions to yourself:

  • If I consider my brand as a person, then who would that person be?
  • If I had to describe the brand in few words, then what would those words be?
  • What is that unique thing that makes my ecommerce website different from others?
  • What is our USP?

And what about the branding? Once you’ve identified who you are, you can include it into your ecommerce site’s branding. It will help you create trust with your audience while also driving substantial sales.

Think Like a Website Visitor:

You must think like your audience if you want your ecommerce website design to connect with them. In the end, all your potential customers want from an ecommerce experience is a site that is simple to access, well-designed, and makes shopping simple, uncomplicated, and hassle-free.

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And you need to give them those things if you want your ecommerce store to prosper.

Put yourself in the consumer’s shoes during the ecommerce website design process. What type of layout will be the most user-friendly? How can you organize your product such that:

  • The end consumer can understand them?
  • How can you make the checkout process simpler?

You can forecast what your customers want from your ecommerce store if you think like them—and then design your ecommerce website to satisfy those demands.

Use Color to Your Advantage:

It’s more than just saying, “Well, red is my favorite color, so…make let’s everything red!” when it comes to deciding colors for your ecommerce site.” Color is a powerful tool that may be used to your advantage if you grasp the psychology of color (and drive some serious sales in the process).

Different colors can evoke different feelings, emotions, and behaviors in individuals. Thus you should use those color ideas to your advantage if you want your ecommerce site to convert.

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Make the purchase button different from a bold color like red, for example, if you want customers to make a purchase.

According to color psychology, red evokes excitement and passion, which are essential motivators for spending—and studies suggest that changing a button’s color to red can boost conversions by 34%.

If you want to increase your reputation, include blue in your web design. Blue is not only a popular color, but it has also been proved to promote sentiments of trust, making it a popular choice in the corporate world (more than half of all logos feature blue).

The point is that color is one of the most effective design tools you have, and if you have knowledge on how to use it effectively, it can have a significant impact on your ecommerce design.

Use High Quality Image:

Images are well-known in web design for increasing conversions. This is especially true in the case of ecommerce.

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No one will buy a product without seeing it first. If you want customers to buy your products, you need high-quality product photographs to show them what they’re getting.

Having quality photographs of all of your products (and having images of your product from numerous angles) goes a long way toward giving your buyers confidence and trust.

They are more inclined to buy if they are confident that they know what they are buying. However, if there are no photographs of the product they want to buy (or only a single, low-quality image), they will be less likely to buy it, and your conversions will suffer as a result.

Do yourself a favor and stock your ecommerce site with plenty of high-quality photographs of whatever you’re offering. Your conversions will appreciate it.


Designing an ecommerce website might be challenging, but now that you’ve learned the top web design tips for ecommerce, you’ll have everything you need to create a site that not only looks great but converts like crazy.

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So, what do you have to lose? Use these pointers to give your online store the facelift it needs.


Branding Priority, E-commerce website, High Quality, Tips, web design, Website Visitor

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