August 13, 2021

The Freshness And Delivery of Language


The Freshness And Delivery of Language

The freshness and delivery of language along with truth and facts is the key to the success of any feature. Features can also be written on development issues. The feature can be written on any village also. Women working in self-help groups and their story behind it is the live theme of a feature. Similarly people doing meaningful work in some area.

Individual features can be written on people who achieve their goals through hard work. Features should also be written about the folk festivals, traditions, food and dress taking place in rural areas. Similarly, there is presence of a large number of tribal society in MP. All his references become the subject of the feature and people are interested in it.
social harmony is the biggest capital.

Biggest Responsibility of Journalists

The biggest responsibility of journalists in news writing is that they should be with the society in any situation. It requires special skill in presenting information that disturbs social harmony. There are many such forces in the social life which keep trying to spoil the social unity. In such cases the human side of journalism is tested.

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Because for us society is paramount. The work of development can be carried forward only with unity and harmony in the society. No society can move forward with its tensions. The second thing is about the respect of women. There are still many forms of oppression of women in our society. These are such acts, then we should take care to preserve the dignity of women and to not allow their identity to be revealed in cases of misconduct with them.

Similarly, in writing any disputed news, an attempt should make to take the views of the other or the affected party. Any one-sided news only creates a crisis of credibility. Similarly, news spreading superstition should be avoided and efforts should be made that such efforts should not get publicity through media.

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Interest and informativeness:

The capital of any news is its interestingness and informativeness. If the news is written in an interesting way with correct and requisite context then it is a must read. Interest is created through language, but a news story becomes effective only when it is presented with correct and complete context. Therefore, the reporter must also develop the art of preserving the context.

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How to edit news

In today’s era, almost all major newspapers have started the tradition of page making at their bureau offices. So it is essential for every local journalist to be familiar with the standards of the art of editing. Because the color of a newspaper is prepared only by proper editing. This only makes the newspaper lucid and readable.

Mornings seem incomplete without newspapers. Along with the development of letters, now afternoon and evening newspapers have also started coming out. News editing clearly means making the copy printable in the newspaper and its presentation. How do you look at a news story and how you present it – that’s what editing means. When you edit a news story, only three things are important – the importance of the news, the place and the time. The flow of news remains constant in any media house. Therefore, the major challenge of editing is the selection of news.

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On what basis the news can select-

1.Celebrities or Newsmakers
2. Extraordinary things, which has often not seen and heard
3. Institutions of whatever level they are – national, regional, local or international
4. Budget or money where inward is outward
5. Unjust incidents causing fury
6. Emotional news
8. News related to the interest of the people
9. News related to science or discovery
10. News of entertainment or interest- sports, cricket, film


Overall, the choice and need of the readers should be the basis of selection of news. Apart from this, the personal opinion of the editor also affects the news selection. But the editor expected to select the news according to his readership and the customs policy of the newspaper.
The available space in the newspaper, current circumstances, pressure of advertisements are largely responsible for news selection. Even in the midst of these pressures, the best performance is the hallmark of an editor.

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After news selection

After news selection, there is a big responsibility of proper editing. Only the right editing can make a better copy. Can make a generic copy unique. Recognizing the development of the news can give it the right place. The purpose of editing is to identify the news given by the press copy or correspondent and to give it the right place. It is only because of not honest editing that a better one dies and the general news exaggerated and presented. Editing means just that – precision, precision and precision. Next comes the brevity and facts.

Praveen Dixit says in his book News Editing that the purpose of news editing is to make the news meaningful from the point of view of the readers.

Praveen Dixit says in his book News Editing

Its meaning is clear that you make your news useful and meaningful in view of the needs of the readers. That is, the news can be correct on both the facts and the facts. One of the challenges of the sub-editor in the throng of advertisements is to prevent unnecessary expansion of the news and develop the practice of making his point of view in fewer words.

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With this, the question of language has become very deep today. Today the meaning of the better language is taking from the Hinglish mix language. Hindi newspapers should take English words of those words which are popular among Hindi speakers and their use should not create any additional burden in the language. At the same time, there is a insistence of common language. The simplicity of Hindi does not mean that we generalize the language a lot. Because it is possible that this language may also become the reason for someone’s training. Many people also learn Hindi from newspaper, we should be helpful in their practice.

After the complete editing of the copy, the most important task is to determine the importance of the news. It is a job that demands experience as well. How much space should be given to which news? Its idea is a criterion for editing. Obviously, we solve this on the basis of our decision-making ability. On this occasion, the thinking of the editor is of paramount importance.

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Editing of Press Copy

Along with the selection and importance of news, preparing a copy of the news is a technical but linguistic proficiency job. You may need to rewrite it because of the correspondent’s very generic copy. In addition to rewriting, the lack of short sentences in many better copies leads to ambiguity. So short sentences increase the effect, so the news becomes more readable. The practice of writing the news in paragraphs is necessary because only this makes it easier for the readers to read and understand the news. It said that thoughts should not mixwith news. There is a famous quote of journalist CP Scott – Facts are pure and thoughts are free. But if the news is analytical, it will obviously contain the views of the reporter.

But in general news it is to avoid it.

It is better to clearly mention the sources of the news while presenting the news. This maintains the credibility of the newspaper among the readers. Overall this work is more creative with more care. Editors, who can assess the development, importance and impact of news, take advantage of this opportunity to make their letter very effective. Because if you see, most of the news, facts and photographs are with all the newspapers but things get better with the selection, presentation and proper use of the available space. Whereas the other newspaper becomes unpopular due to its poor presentation, cold headlines and poor editing.

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Education, Entertainment, Latest News, The Freshness And Delivery of Language, Updates on Cricket

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