March 24, 2022

How Your Approach to International Hiring Is All Wrong


The level of hiring amongst businesses has been said to be the highest since World War II, and it has also been said to be the most biased. Hiring bias is mostly due to the wrong approach and not favoritism as thought.


The standard way most businesses hire is that they hire a professional copywriter who writes convincing job adverts for the company, after which they do a job evaluation where they decide requirements and salary structure. The candidates then apply, they are invited for an interview, and the outstanding candidate wins the vacant seat.


Hiring had taken a new form, particularly after the pandemic; census data showed that most new employees said they were not looking for a job when they were hired; someone just took them in. Many businesses are out there hiring passive candidates that are not willing to move. This shows that international hiring is on the rise.

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International Hiring

Hiring is the process of finding capable applicants to hire and train for contribution to your business. Now, international hiring is when you find applicants in a foreign land (internationally) to contribute to the success of your business. This may be due to their expertise or you setting up a subsidiary in such foreign land.


Steps Involved In Hiring Internationally And How Your Approach Might Be Wrong

A Well-detailed Job Description

As said earlier, a job description will make an applicant know whether to give the vacancy a trial or not. If you just paste generic job adverts, your business email will be flooded with CVs from different kinds of job seekers, so to filter them, be specific and detailed about your advert. It is expected of you to hire a seasoned copywriter for job ads that will convert the desired applicants.


Expanding your business internationally will enlighten you about things you might not know initially. In a foreign land, your brand’s awareness and integrity speak for you; as a new business in the market, hiring without the help of an employer of record is complex but achievable.

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Most employees are hired when they are not actively searching for a job; this shows that you need to invest more in your brand than you did back home.


Foreign applicants are more likely to apply for your job ads if you manage your brand actively. This means you should focus more on your brand; once you do that, your company will be the most sought after company teeming with applicants.


A Communication Channel

Most businesses are often unreachable during the recruitment stage; the channel of communication is the email provided in the job ads where the applicants can send their CVs and also get feedback if they have been shortlisted for interviews. This doesn’t seem right; when hiring internationally, create an open channel where applicants can ask questions about the vacant role, company, and other questions the job ads can’t provide answers to.


To create a better approach to hiring internationally, you can create a section on your website named frequently asked questions (FAQs) for applicants to get all the answers they need. Most foreign applicants will feel reluctant to apply for a job if they have unanswered questions about a job role.

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You can add answers to the questions your present or past employees were asked during their application and also top it with new questions the candidates have asked. This will surely save you and the applicants time while also making your approach to international hiring top-notch.



Hiring process is complex; it requires a lot of time, preparation, and thousands of dollars. International hiring is obviously the same process but more complicated since the business will be hiring in a foreign land where culture and language may differ.


As a business owner, going back to your start-up days, you know that hiring from your locality is just as strenuous as building your business from scratch. When thinking of expanding, you will know it’s more complicated because of international recruitment.


When expanding, many business owners think of using employers of record in their new country since they can have all the employers they need without setting up a physical entity in the country. Of course! This is doable, but setting up a subsidiary of your company or your business will make your approach to hiring internationally seamless.

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A Communication Channel, A Well-detailed Job Description, Conclusion, how your approach to international hiring is all wrong, International Hiring, Steps Involved In Hiring Internationally And How Your Approach Might Be Wrong

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