April 11, 2023

“10 Powerful Tips to Craft an Attention-Grabbing Title That Ranks High on Google”


Introduction: Catching the Reader’s Attention

Picture this: you’ve spent hours poring over a blog post that you think is incredibly informative. You’ve researched extensively, compiled data, and provided examples to help your readers. But when it comes time to craft the title, you’re drawing a blank. How will you capture your audience’s attention? How will you convey the essence of your post? Fear not, for we’ve got you covered with ten powerful tips to craft an attention-grabbing title that ranks high on Google.

1. Keep it Short and Sweet

Long titles are not only hard to read and remember, but they also tend to get truncated on search engines. Keep your title to about 60 characters or less to ensure that it displays well on all devices. Shorter titles also tend to be catchy, memorable, and easy to share on social media.

2. Use Active Verbs

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Active verbs are more captivating and demonstrate that something is happening or being done. Verbs like “discover,” “explore,” “learn,” or “unveil” evoke curiosity and urgency in the reader’s mind while also portraying the benefit of reading your post.

3. Be Specific

Your title should be clear and specific, highlighting the main point of your post. Avoid vague and generic titles that could apply to any post. Precision and specificity will help attract the right audience and set the expectation for your readers.

4. Add Numbers and Statistics

Numbers and statistics make your title stand out and help convey that your post has valuable information. Readers are drawn to titles like “5 ways to…” or “10 tips for…” because it gives them a clear idea of what they can expect in your post.

5. Ask a Question

Asking a question can make your reader curious and eager to learn more. It also helps establish a personal connection with them. Make sure your question is precise, and do not use a question if the answer is irrelevant.

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6. Include Keywords

Keywords are crucial for SEO and ranking high on Google. Identify the keywords related to your topic and include them in your title. Here’s a tip: combine long-tail phrases with shorter keywords to give your title an extra boost in search results.

7. Use Emotion

Emotional titles elicit a response from your readers. Titles with words like “powerful,” “amazing,” or “jaw-dropping” create a sense of excitement, intrigue, and anticipation. Use emotions effectively, don’t go overboard instead, use simple and dignified emotions.

8. Make it Memorable

Titles that are memorable, and creative tend to get shared more. Think outside the box while keeping your word choices relevant and true to your post. A catchy title may be the difference between someone clicking on your post or scrolling away.


Q1. How important are titles for SEO?
A1. Titles are crucial for SEO as search engines rely on titles to understand the content of a post. A well-written title that includes relevant keywords can significantly improve your chances of ranking higher on search engines.

READ MORE:  Rank Higher on Google Search: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Attention-Grabbing Blog Titles

Q2. What is long-tail keyword?
A2. Long-tail keywords are more specific, consisting of three or more words, and targeted towards specific topics, niche or audience. They usually have low search volume, but a higher chance of conversion as the search intent is clearer.

Q3. Can I use different variations of my keyword in the title?
A3. Yes, but avoid excessive repetition of any single keyword. Google tends to penalize over-optimization, so ensure that your title feels natural while including different variations and synonyms of your keyword.

Q4. How can I know what title works best?
A4. Conduct A/B testing to compare different titles with your audience. You can use tools like Google Analytics, Clickflow, or RankScience to track which title gets more clicks and impressions. The title that performs best can help you improve your ranking on Google.

Q5. Should I title my post before or after writing?
A5. It depends on your style, but it’s generally easier to craft your title before writing the post. Your title will serve as your roadmap, and being clear about your main topic and angle can help you stay focused while crafting your post.

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Q6. Can I use punctuation or symbols in my title?
A6. While using punctuation or symbols can help your title stand out, make sure it’s not excessive or irrelevant to the topic. Use it sparingly and ensure it’s not against Google’s guidelines. Google doesn’t like excessive use and may rank your post lower if it feels irrelevant.

Q7. How long should my title be?
A7. Your title should ideally be 60 characters or less, making it easy to read and share on all devices. However, you can use longer titles if the topic requires it, but try not to exceed 70-80 characters to avoid truncation.


Crafting an attention-grabbing title is an art of its own. Use the tips mentioned above to create a title that hooks your readers, makes them curious, and sets the right expectation. Remember to include keywords, stay specific, and ask a question whenever suitable. Finally, capture your readers’ hearts with a memorable and emotional title that prompts them to click and read your post. Good luck with your next title!

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