November 8, 2021

All On Four Implants: The Treatment Concept


Implants have become a common dental answer to the loss of teeth and a good one. The procedure is one most people want but worry about the time it takes, the high cost, and the anguish of going through the procedure. There is a newer version of this, all on four implants. What does the term mean? It means instead of the patient enduring several months waiting; teeth can be finished in one day. It also means the cost is less expensive than many individual implants.

1. Beginning

To start this experience, a consultation appointment is necessary. In this appointment:

  1. X-rays are taken and analyzed.
  2. Extractions, if any, are decided
  3. Impressions are taken, and teeth color and size are decided.
  4. Any problems are discussed.

A 3-D X-ray Scanner is the most modern technology today, and this gives the dentist a thorough look at the bone. No surprises will be found at the time of the surgery.

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This meeting will be important as at the next appointment, where the actual dental work will be done and completed.

2. The Big Day

This is the big day. First, any extractions are completed. You, the client sitting in that chair and frightened out of your wits, will receive some sort of anesthetic, topical or full anesthetic. A full anesthetic will not be used unless circumstances call for it, as it is much riskier to the patient’s health than a topical.

Next four, only four, implants are inserted in the jaw. In this surgical procedure, a small cut is made in the jaw, exposing the bone. A hole is drilled in the jaw to accept the special titanium screw. This will allow the special titanium screw or pin to be placed. The jaw will grow around the pin, even the bone, setting the bone permanently in place.

Because this is a one-day procedure and does not require the patient to wait for a time while the bone and gum are repaired, the screw will need bracing, and an abutment is put in place to secure the screw. The teeth, which have been designed from the information gathered in the initial appointment, are then secured to the screw with the abutment in place. You now have a full set of teeth, and you are done.

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3. Completion

Implants require no drilling in a few years. There will be no cavities. The teeth maintain their splendor, and your smile is permanent. Implants do sometimes require care. In case your porcelain tooth became free of the screw and had to be replaced, the screw will remain intact in your jaw, and the tooth’s top part will be replaced. There was no pain in this.

Dentists doing this procedure have completed further study and certification. This after attending the regular years of dentistry school. Instruments in the dentistry field are occurring rapidly. The world of dentistry is expanding. The wonderful world of implants has grown quickly because of the tremendous impact and improvements.

Any Problems

Implanted teeth do not have a lot of problems. Teeth may come off the stem and must be replaced. If problems are incurred in the weeks following the implant, call the dentist immediately. The gums might develop inflammation. There might be nerve damage. These symptoms are not ordinary.

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Implanted teeth do not need adhesives; they do not shift. Your face will return to normal fullness. Without teeth, the face can take on a sallow look, making you look older. The bone might deteriorate.

Your smile is important. With proper teeth that look great, your self-image is improved. You will find yourself smiling more frequently.


Teeth affect your entire system. They can cause tremendous and frightening diseases. The partials and teeth problems cost over and over again. Over a lifetime, you spend as much as rent or mortgage payments.

Though implanted teeth are more expensive than other methods at the beginning, over time, that cost evens out. Your teeth will look great, without any fillings.

Author name– Hannah Gilbert


concept, implants, treatment

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